Why not make a new SELECT statement in the countries table and put a 
WHERE country_id IN (the list)?

Where "the list" is te 6,7,8, etc

Good luck!

Fabio Terracini

Protoculture wrote:

>I'm new to stored procedures ( in MS SQL ) and need help with the following 
>Essentially what my procedure will do is take an argument of CLIENT_ID and 
>return a list of COUNTRIES. Simple enough, cept for the fact that the database 
>does not return a single ID, but a list of IDS that pertain to the COUNTRY_ID 
>of another table. eg... passing in CLIENT_ID of 15421 returns a list like the 
>following... '6,31,32,33,35,36,' ( Yes I know this isn't the best way for it 
>to be set up ).
>so what I need to do in MSSQL is perform a query to grab that list of comma 
>seperated numbers, put those numbers into an array OR a list and then loop 
>over that array/list and and return the results ( which is a list of country 
>names ).
>Another thing I thought of was to create a temporary table and place the list 
>( 6,7,8,13,4 etc ) into that, but then I would still have to be able to loop 
>over each element, which I'm not sure how to do in MSSQL.

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