> I'm still getting the same errors

> Here's the code (html generated from CF)

> The size of the form is dictated by a cfoutput query.

Oh you don't have a series of "client_id" input elements... that looks
like this:

<input type="..." name="client_id" value="1" />
<input type="..." name="client_id" value="2" />
<input type="..." name="client_id" value="3" />

That's the syntax that would make "form.client_id[i]" work (although
you'd still have to subtract 1 because javascript arrays are
zero-based indexes.

so... given your structure, you'd want this (var inside the function
and not for the argument):

function clientRecPop(i) {
  var frm = document.forms.clientSearch;
  var frm2 = self.opener.document.forms.newJob;
  frm2.clientID.value = eval('frm.client_id' + i + '.value');
  frm2.coName.value = eval('frm.company' + i + '.value');

I added the frm and frm2 variables to make it easier to read -- plus
you had newJob spelled "NewJob" and "newJob" -- one of those will
produce an error due to case sensitivity. (and setting them to local
variables before populating the other form isn't really necessary, so
I removed those just to make it shorter).

s. isaac dealey   954.522.6080
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