oh, and do yourself a big favour and head out to 
http://www.ldapadministrator.com/ and get the free LDAP browser. It will 
help you greatly

 On 5/11/05, Rebecca Wells <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
> > It's not my server, we only have access to it. I believe it is not a
> > windows server, more than likely it is running on a UNIX server.
> > Could be Netscape. I work for a large organization, so we have access
> > to it, but have no control over it. Neither are we privy to any specs.
> Then use the 2 query approach. For example:
> <cfset UserSearchFailed = 0>
> <!--- This filter will look in the objectclass for the user's ID. --->
> <cfset filter = "(&(objectclass=person)(uid=" & attributes.Username & 
> "))">
> <!--- Query LDAP for the user's DN; used later to authenticate the user. 
> --->
> <cftry>
> <cfldap action="query"
> name="userSearch"
> attributes="dn"
> start="o=something"
> scope="SUBTREE"
> server="myLDAPServer"
> port="389"
> filter="#filter#">
> <cfcatch type="Any">
> <cfset UserSearchFailed = "true">
> </cfcatch>
> </cftry>
> <!--- If the user search failed or returns 0 rows abort. --->
> <cfif NOT userSearch.recordcount OR UserSearchFailed>
> <cfset UserSearchFailed = "true">
> <cfset errormsg = "UID for " & #attributes.Username# & " not found.">
> </cfif>
> <cfif userSearch.recordcount and not UserSearchFailed>
> <!--- Pass user's DN & password to see if the user authenticates. --->
> <cftry>
> <cfldap action="QUERY"
> name="auth"
> attributes="givenname,surname,uid,userid,groupMembership,mail,dn"
> start="o=something"
> scope="SUBTREE"
> server="myLDAPServer"
> port="389"
> filter="#filter#"
> username="#userSearch.dn#"
> password="#attributes.Password#">
> <cfcatch type="Any">
> <cfset UserSearchFailed = "true">
> </cfcatch>
> </cftry>
> </cfif>
> Another recommendation: get a copy of Softerra LDAP Browser 
> http://www.ldapbrowser.com/ Version 2.6 is freeware.

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