hi anthony,

we faced the same problems when migrating from spectra1.5.1/oracle8i/cf5 to 

for us the culprits are control characters inside a CF5 wddx paket, which
CFMX cannot deserialize anymore,

to see if it is the same for you, try this snippet
we just do a replace in the wddx before deserializing it,
then CFMX should do it

- get the wddx from anywhere (CF5 style)
- <cfset cleanWddxpack = ReReplace(dirtyWddxpack, "[[:cntrl:]]", "", "ALL") >
- deserialize the wddx with the tag of your choice

we have ready a routine which is able to patch a whole DB, so that CFMX can 
handle former CF5 wddx pakets

just let me know if this did the trick for you

besides: good to hear that there are other developers still working with 
in the moment we are migrating our apps (we do a web content management system 
with spectra, 230 spectra apps) to CFMX, the main problems we are facing, have 
to do with the CLOB datatype in oracle and poor performance on any table 
containing CLOB´s, there´s not one driver available in the moment which does a 
good job there, but it looks like we solved this problems in the last few days, 
we banned the CLOB and use LONG instead, the performance is incredible now, we 
never see our apps ran like this before,

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