Thanks to all who have replied.

I will take a look at the ColdFusion MX Coding Guidelines. Since I'm just
looking for a better user experience, I'm going to need to play with caching
ldap query results.

- Charles 

On 5/13/05 1:50 PM, "Fabio Terracini" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Not anymore. Since MX version, cfscript and tag-based codes have the
> same performance.
> You should make a Google search on "coldfusion performance". There are
> several articles and blog posts on this subject and server performance.
> You can also look at
> You might wanna look the ColdFusion MX Coding Guidelines  that
> Macromedia uses internally. This document is base for the one that comes
> with ColdFusion 7. It's not complete, but covers most basic coding
> performance issues.
> Also, let's say, using Compare() besides EQ ou NEQ *will not* drop you
> time from 3000ms to 1000ms. Such improvements relays more on
> archicteture and problem-solving approach than minimal coding improvements.
> --
> Fabio Terracini
> Charles Heizer wrote:
>> Thanks,
>> The concurrent traffic is not going to be more than 10 to 20 users at a
>> time.
>> Are there any good docs that cover writing more efficient code? I also
>> remember somebody saying that cfscript doing a function if faster than using
>> a cffunction tag. Is this true?
>> Thanks,
>> - Charles
>> On 5/13/05 12:05 PM, "Sean Corfield" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

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