I have two includes, where one contains the beginning of a cfif and 
the other contains the end of the cfif, with the content in the 
<cfinclude template="../template_blocks/content_block_1.cfm"> 
                <!--- content --->
<!--- end content --->
  <cfinclude template="../template_blocks/content_block_2.cfm">

Here's the code in the includes:

<!--- content_block_1.cfm --->
<div class="margin_8 orange_link"> 
                        <img src="#request.imagesdomain#spacer.gif" 
border="0" height="5" width="0"><br> 
<!--- end content_block_1.cfm --->

<!--- content_block_2.cfm --->
                                To use this page, please first <a 
<!--- end content_block_2.cfm --->

This code works fine when not in the includes, but separated and made 
into includes, I get an error, "Context validation error for tag 
cfif" which refers to the <cfif isDefined('cookie.empower_login')>.
I thought I'd broken up cfif statements into two pieces of an include 
before, but maybe not.

Any thoughts?

Daniel Kessler

Department of Public and Community Health
University of Maryland
Suite 2387 Valley Drive
College Park, MD  20742-2611
301-405-2545 Phone

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