
First, changing the size of an image with the image tag only changes 
what is displayed, not what is accessed by the web server, served, 
downloaded and cached by the browser.

There is at least one server-side program that can do quite a bit to 
dynamically change an image at the server:

   real resizing, cropping, overwriting with text (maybe in the client's

Have a look at;

and a rudimentary  interactive interface at:

Now, say that you have a database of very high-resolution images that 
you sell (the user can download).  The high resolution is necessary 
for off-line rendering/printing, say,  millions of colors at 
1000x1000 pixels or greater..

A user wants to preview an image at one or more sizes at 72x72 or 300x300 (for
sample printing).

   You could download the large file and display at 72x72... a real waste of

   The user would have to buy the image, sight & quality, unseen, because
   once it's downloaded...

   You could maintain several size/resolution files to try and anticipate what
   the user will want... but that is a waste of file/directory slots, probably
   wouldn't give the user what he wants, and is ugly to program/keep track of

   Or, you could let the user any select the size/resolution/cropping, etc. that
   he wants. then server-side transform the image and download.

   The user could experiment at several lower resolutions before starting
   a large download that wouldn't give him what he wants

Kodak offers some of these capabilities with its picture disk offering.

A file system is not very good at this task:

   A limited number of directory entry, then you the programmer must decide to
   spill to another directory, create it, etc...

   no protection from deleting or changing the image while enforcing that the
   corresponding database reference to the file  is synchronized

   Inability to treat the "database" as an entity, say for backup

   more overhead (time and storage) to manipulate individual images

   You, the developer, must write garbage-collection programs to resolve
   orphans and other inconsistencies between what is in the database and
   what's in the file system

   You don't get all the good things a database offers.

Your point that

   "this database already exists...I call it a file system"

could apply equally to any free-form content such as the "article" 
content used to serve dynamic pages.

I don't want to start a flame, but, you could do without a database 
altogether and just use the file system.

I have written shopping carts, etc using flat-file text files to 
simulate a database (separate tables, indexes, relationships).  It's 
messy, but it works.

My point was this.  I am looking for a better way to manage a large 
number of binary files:

   a file system alone is not very good

   a db front-end to a file system is better.

   A db-only solution would be better yet, if it is practical...

   ... someday, it will be!  We have to start somewhere!

There probably is enough justification to develop a "special purpose" 
database server to begin to address applications such as:

    medical images such as x-rays or MRI-scans

    legal records

    voice mail

    entertainment such as audio/video

    business - architect plans/drawings real estate walk-thrus

    law enforcement - voice/finger prints


At 8:37 PM -0400 9/15/00, Jon Hall wrote:
>Err this database already exists...I call it a file system. What would you
>dynamically change in an image? Changing the size of an image is already
>possible via the <img> tag. Changing resolution on the fly would require
>processing power that is way beyond capabilities today, not to mention the
>browsers dont support over 72x72...
>----- Original Message -----
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