So what exactly is the security issue?  Username/password set in the 
datasource?  Full access to the file system?

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "James Holmes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "CF-Talk" <>
Sent: Tuesday, May 17, 2005 10:29 PM
Subject: RE: Shared CF Host security

> This should illustrate the point regarding HMS - _everyone_ who
> shared-hosts there is susceptible to the same problem.
> 37-1824A53C962059D3
> (watch for any wrapping in the url)
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Rey Bango [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Wednesday, 18 May 2005 10:51
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: Re: Shared CF Host security
> Try what Dave? You have an example? I'd be glad to.
> Rey...
> dave wrote:
>> you wanna try this on your host and see what happens?
>> ~Dave the disruptor~
>> ----------------------------------------
>> From: Rey Bango <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> Sent: Tuesday, May 17, 2005 10:34 PM
>> To: CF-Talk <>
>> Subject: Re: Shared CF Host security
>> I guess I'm trying to understand how your host can be so sloppy. I
>> don't recall ever being on a shared hosting environment that had that
> problem.
>> Forget VPS, get yourself a new host.
>> Rey..
>> James Holmes wrote:
>>>While security can never be perfect in a shared hosting environment,
>>>am I expecting too much to have at least a modicum of security on a
>>>shared server? For example, if others can access my datasources and do
>>>whatever they want to my database and they can read all of the source
>>>code of my apps, I get a little concerned. I know I can buy VPS
>>>hosting for genuine security, but would anyone else expect a shared
>>>host to at least attempt some security or would they be happy to just
>>>have them give up and allow open slather?

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