> -----Original Message-----
> From: Richard Crawford [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Tuesday, May 24, 2005 12:30 PM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: Re: There's got to be a way around this
> On Monday 23 May 2005 22:03, Jim Davis wrote:
> > The developer in question used it as an example of "how hard it was to
> do
> > simple things in CF compared to Java" in meeting.  I wrote
> "#listfirst(var,
> > "-")# and #listlast(var, "-")# on the whiteboard.  ;^)
> In general, I prefer to program in PHP since I feel like I have much more
> control over the code in PHP than I do in Cold Fusion.  However, I have
> come
> to appreciate CF more over the past few months as I've learned that the
> code
> that I've been working with around here is not typical of the kind of code
> that CF professionals generally produce.

The one everlasting rule of thumb is that you can produce complete crap
using any language.  ;^)

There's absolutely nothing wrong with having a favorite.  Personally I don't
see any of the languages as being head-and-shoulders above the others.  I'll
never have a problem with anybody saying they prefer one language over

I just know that I can code most things cleaner and quicker in CF.  I
generally won't comment on how easy or hard another language is (especially
one that I barely know).

In my company however this is the norm: we moved away from CF almost purely
on the say-so of the Java programmers like the one I mentioned and their
assertions that Java was "easier" to work with.

In short they produced complete crap and blamed the language.  Sounds like
you're working with the results of that kind of thinking.  ;^)

Jim Davis

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