I'm using XMLhttp to do some RIA stuff.  Rather than having a separate
CFM file for each XML file that I need to return, I want to have a
single CFC with a bunch of methods in it that return the proper
content (XML, using cfheader/cfcontent) to the app.

The question is, can I do this (and is it good practice)?  I have a
script that I'm working on but it's not working; a cfm page with
similar code on it works just fine.  Here is the code:

<cfcomponent name="XMLconduit" author="Pete Ruckelshaus"
displayname="XMLconduit" hint="This .cfc is used for all XML-returned
data for the application.">
<cfsetting enablecfoutputonly="Yes">
        <cffunction name="getContactsByOrganization" access="public"
output="Yes" returntype="XML">
        <cfargument name="param" default="0" required="Yes" type="numeric">

        <cfquery name="getContacts" datasource="#request.app.dsname#">
                SELECT          C.ID, C.fname, C.lname
                FROM            tblContacts C
                WHERE           C.contactTypeID = (SELECT id FROM 
tblContactTypes WHERE
typename = 'individual') AND
                                        C.organizationid = #param#
                ORDER BY        C.fname, C.lname
<cfheader name="content-type" value="text/xml">
<cfcontent type="text/xml">
<cfoutput><?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?>
        <cfloop query="getContacts"><id>#getContacts.id#</id>
<cfsetting enablecfoutputonly="No">

Are there any glaring errors in this code that would explain why I'm
not getting anything but whitespace back?  Also, I'm calling the CFC
like this 



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