On 5/24/05, Pete Ruckelshaus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Dave,
> That's what I'm doing in a similar CFM page (that I want to convert to
> CFC), and it works fine:
> <cfsetting enablecfoutputonly="yes" showdebugoutput="no">
> <cfquery name="getEmail" datasource="local">
>         select          firstname, email
>         from            tblArsUsers
>         where           userid LIKE '#param#%'
> </cfquery>
> <cfheader name="content-type" value="text/xml">
> <cfcontent type="text/xml">
> <cfoutput><?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?>
> <userdata>
>         <cfloop query="getEmail"><firstname>#getEmail.firstname#</firstname>
>         <email>#getEmail.email#</email>
> </cfloop></userdata></cfoutput><cfsetting enablecfoutputonly="no"
> showdebugoutput="no"><cfabort>



That's my rule. You can't always use the same coding rules across the
two file types. Your CFM template might work just fine, but the CFCs
aren't guaranteed to follow every CFM construct the same way. Tags
like cfcontent might be perfectly fine in CFM templates, but might not
work the same way in CFCs. There have been a couple threads over the
last few weeks where other people have run into this problem, and
moving the cfcontent tag out of the CFCs has taken care of it.
Further, if you make sure to religiously put output="false" in your
cfcomponent and cffunction tags, then you will not get any whitespace,
which removes the need for the cfsetting tag anyway.


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