What are you trying to achieve?? You should see table 1 on page.cfm and
if there is a url parameter named ItemNumber that isn't 12345. At least,
that is what you wrote.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Cameron Johnson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: 25 May 2005 17:23
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: cfif with AND and OR statements
> I've got the following cfif statement in one of my header pages:
> <cfif (isDefined("URL.ItemNumber") AND URL.ItemNumber NEQ 12345) OR
> (CGI.SCRIPT_NAME NEQ '/page.cfm')>
> show table 1
> <cfelse>
> show table 2
> </cfif>
> Here are my scenarios:
> - when the cfif is combined into one statement, it works correctly
> (meaning I see table 2) when browsing to /page.cfm. But it doesn't
> when browsing to index.cfm?ItemNumber=12345
> - if I split the statement into two cfif statements, I see table 2 on
> /page.cfm and index.cfm?ItemNumber=12345
> Any ideas why it's not working on index.cfm?ItemNumber=12345 when the
> statement is combined? Is something wrong with the cfif that I'm not
> seeing?
> Appreciate the help.
> - Cameron

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