Well I've done quite a few calls from one CFC to another. Based on the
error, the custom datatype you're attempting to use is what's choking. If
you're sure that the path is correct, maybe you should check to make sure
that there isn't an error within the datatype file itself.



-----Original Message-----
From: Peters, Chris [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, May 25, 2005 1:46 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: CFCs within a web service

I have a CFC web service that tries to access another CFC for its
business logic.  The problem is that I get this error message if I try
to access the web services directly from my browser

AXIS error
Sorry, something seems to have gone wrong... here are the details:

Fault -
[coldfusion.xml.rpc.SkeletonClassLoader$UnresolvedCFCDataTypeException :
Could not resolve CFC datatype: business.pr.Gateway][; nested exception
[coldfusion.xml.rpc.SkeletonClassLoader$UnresolvedCFCDataTypeException :
Could not resolve CFC datatype: business.pr.Gateway][
[coldfusion.xml.rpc.SkeletonClassLoader$UnresolvedCFCDataTypeException :
Could not resolve CFC datatype: business.pr.Gateway][; nested exception
[coldfusion.xml.rpc.SkeletonClassLoader$UnresolvedCFCDataTypeException :
Could not resolve CFC datatype: business.pr.Gateway][

I have the following web service call which also generates an error:

<cfset prService = CreateObject('webservice',
<cfset stories = prService.getStories()>

<cfloop index="i" from="1" to="#ListLen(stories)#">
  <cfset storyID = ListGetAt(stories, i, ",")>
    <cfset headline = prService.getHeadline(#storyID#)>
    <cfset dateReleased = prService.getDateReleased(#storyID#)>
    <cfset body = prService.getBody(#storyID#)>
       #DateFormat(dateReleased, "mm/dd/yyyy")# -
    <a href="">#headline#</a><br />
    #ListGetAt(body, 1, '.')#<br /><br />

Here is the code for the web service:



<cfset variables.dsn = ''>
<cfset variables.prComponent = CreateObject('component',


<cffunction name="init" access="remote" returntype="prComponent"
<cfargument name="datasource" type="string" required="yes">

  <cfset variables.dsn = arguments.datasource>
  <cfreturn this>



<cffunction name="getStories" returntype="string" access="remote"

  <!--- Array of stories --->
  <cfset var stories = ArrayNew(1)>
  <cfset stories = variables.prComponent.getAllStories()>
  <cfset storiesList = "">

  <cfloop index="i" from="1" to="#ArrayLen(stories)#">
    <cfset storiesList = ListAppend(storiesList, stories[i].getID(),

  <cfreturn storiesList>



I am CERTAIN that I have the correct mapping set up for /business (which
is being referenced in the CreateObject() function call).

Can you not have other CFC calls in your Web services?  Is this a bug?

My Configuration: ColdFusion MX 6.1 J2EE server instance on Windows XP.

Chris Peters
New Media Production Specialist

-----Original Message-----
From: CF-Talk [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, May 25, 2005 3:01 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: CF-Talk: Digest every hour

CF-Talk          25-May-05             Issue:17412
In this issue:
     cfform / cfform.js issues
     Database Schema Options
     open link in new tab in FF?
     open link in new tab in FF?
     open link in new tab in FF?
     open link in new tab in FF?
     open link in new tab in FF?
     OT: Database Schema Options
     Running MS Access macro in Coldfusion

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