In this issue of ColdFusion conference and training news:

1. CFUNITED News - ColdFusion 10th birthday, CFUNITED-05 now larger than final
2. ColdFusion Live! Every Thursday 12:30pm
3. Why come to CF BootCamp at CFUNITED
4. "Leveraging Web Services with ColdFusion" interview with Glenda Vigoreaux
5. "Developing Pocket PC Applications using .NET Compact Framework and CFMX
Web Services" interview with Dave Watts

Happy coding
- Michael Smith,
   TeraTech, Inc
   "Creating excellent custom software since 1989"

   Due to TeraTech's growth we are seeking developers and sales people

    "CFUNITED-05 is a great opportunity to launch your career into the next
    level, allowing developers to learn new tips, tricks and techniques, all
    while bonding with fellow ColdFusion users many of us only know by name."
    - Constanty DeCinko

* Only 6 weeks until CFUNITED-05. Regular price $649 expires in 3 weeks 6/10/05

* 583 people have already registered for CFUNITED-05. That is more than CFUN-04
  - and we have 6 weeks left for more registrations!

* Did you know ColdFusion is 10 years old? CFUNITED attendees can join in
the fun and festivities to celebrate ColdFusion's 10th anniversary at
8:00pm Thursday evening on the Bethesda North Marriott hotel terrace!
The Thursday evening event along with free drinks, games, and fun is
sponsored by HostMySite and TeraTech.

* See CFUNITED presenters at previous ColdFusion Live! meetings at

* New session "What’s Coming Next on the Microsoft Platform?" Geoff Snowman

* Attendee message board coming soon - to share rides, rooms and interests.

* Upcoming classes:

FB101 - Intro to Fusebox        May 24 2005
FB201 - Intermediate Fusebox    Jun 7 2005
FB301H -Hal Helms FastTrack to Fusebox 4.1      Jun 20 2005
CU201 - Hal Helms - Designing and Developing OO Applications with CFCs  Jun 27 
CU202 - Simon Horwith - Roll Your Own API - Maximizing Code ReUse with CFCs and
Custom Tags     Jun 27 2005
CU203 - Geoff Snowman - Intro to .NET for CFers Jun 27 2005
CU204 - Nate Nelson - Beyond Basic SQL for CF   Jun 27 2005
CU205 - Charlie Arehart - CFML Leveraging .NET Strengths        Jun 28 2005
CU206 - Sandra Clark - Advanced Cascading Stylesheets   Jun 28 2005
CU208 - Jeff Peters - FLiP and Fusebox walkthrough      Jun 28 2005

For more info

* MiniMAX 2! Join Adam Bell, Simon Horwith and four additional speakers for the
prelude to the CF
United conference on Tuesday Night, June 28th at 7PM ET.
It is FREE! (but must register online)

* Missed an interview? All previous interviews are now posted at

2. ColdFusion Live! Every Thursday  12:30pm
ColdFusion Live! A CFUNITED preview every Thursday

Two 15 minute "preview" talks from CFUNITED speakers.  They
will provide an brief introduction to their topic during these
sessions. Plus you can ask questions via Breeze chat.
This week's speakers:
      Geoff Snowman - SQL Server 2005
      Robi Sen - Advanced Scaling and Tuning

12:30 - 1:00 US/Eastern Time

Meeting: http://macromedia.breezecentra  (Breeze v.5)

Future speakers are:

5/26 Glenda Vigoreaux - Leveraging Web Services with ColdFusion
      Sean  Corfield - Enterprise Integration with ColdFusion
6/2  Michael  Dinowitz - Consuming popular web services
      Steve  Rittler - Farcry: A Free ColdFusion-based CMS
6/9  Charlie Arehart - Integrating CFML and ASP.NET Server Controls
      Lou  Honick - How to Build, Refresh or Rebuild Your Datacenter on Time and
Under Budget
6/16 Jeffry Houser - Creating Sound for  Flash Movies
      David Epler - LAMBDA Boxes: ColdFusion Apps on the Cheap

2. Come to CF Bootcamp at CFUNITED
At CFUNITED this year we have the BootCamp - this is one of seven
tracks we have - the others are Advanced CF, MX Integration,
Deployment, CFML Platform Integration, Accessibility and
Empowered Programming. CF BootCamp is a 3 day introduction
to ColdFusion that will get you programming in ColdFusion fast!

If you are new to ColdFusion, or if you have a friend who is learning
it, please come to CF BootCamp and get ahead in your career.
The $649 price for CFUNITED is a bargin compare to other intro
CF classes that cost $1200! ($649 price is valid only until 6/10/05)

CF BootCamp Topics include:

  * A CFML Developers’ Guide to .NET
  * CF Studio
  * Content Management: Why It Matters, and How ColdFusion Helps
  * Database Design Fundamentals
  * Designing and Coding for Search Engines
  * Dreamweaver for ColdFusion Developers
  * LAMBDA Boxes: ColdFusion Apps on the Cheap
  * Managing Stress and Team Survival In Times of Change
  * MX Kollection 3 Alchemy – from HTML designers to programmers
  * Personal Branding
  * Starting On Your Own
  * The FLiP Show
  * Usable User Interfaces for Intranet Web Applications
  * User Defined Functions
  * Variables and Conditions
  * Welcome to CF
  * Working with Custom Tags
(Details at )

FYI If you attend CFUNITED-05 you can mix and match topics from any of the

4. "Leveraging Web Services with ColdFusion" interview with Glenda Vigoreaux
Michael Smith: This time we are talking with Glenda Vigoreaux about her
CFUNITED-05 talk "Leveraging Web Services with ColdFusion". So why should a
developer come to your session Glenda?

Glenda Vigoreaux: Web services can save a developer's time by allowing access to
application functionality from a remote computer with very little code.  If
you've never used web services before, you will learn how to consume a web
service. Since the communication can take place regardless of operating system,
platform, language or protocol, developers can consume a web service written in
..NET or in Java.  You will also learn how to create your own web services and
make them available to others for remote access. This is called publishing a web

MS: Wow that sounds complex! Can you give an example of why this is useful?

GV:  Expedia is a good example. They don't own the planes or the cars or the
hotels. However, they tap into existing web services that provide the
information they need. So they become a one stop shop for travel. Web services
are useful because you can quickly give a client or a business partner access to
data without having to write an application. The person that needs the data can
write the application. Both parties can use different development languages and
still talk to each other.

MS: Is it hard to use or create web services in ColdFusion?

GV:  Dreamweaver actually writes most of the code for you. To consume a web
service, you let Dreamweaver do most of the work, you simply provide the
arguments. To publish a web service, you need to know how to write a ColdFusion
Component or CFC. This session will show you how to use Dreamweaver wizards to
create your own CFC. To attend this session, you need to be familiar with basic
ColdFusion code, but you do not need to be an advanced programmer.

MS: So is writing a CFC hard to do? Do you have to understand Object Orientation

GV: I will show you how to create a CFC from scratch. It is not hard to do if
you can write basic ColdFusion code. CFC's are object based, they are not object
oriented. If you've never used object oriented technology before you will have
no problem with this session. I won the speaker award in New Orleans with this
presentation by obtaining the highest overall evaluations, so I'm sure all
attendees will be pleased. Many attendees in New Orleans commented how easy this
session was to follow and understand.

MS: That is great! You mention consuming and publishing web services in your
topic description. What does it mean to consume a web service? What about

GV:  Consuming a web service is making a request to a web service, providing the
parameters it needs and then using the data returned in your program. You can
request the current temperature of a city by providing a zip code. You then
write the interface to make the page pretty. When you publish a web service, you
put some process or data on the web accessible by a URL so that other programs
can access it and use it in their own applications. You could provide order
status to a client in a recordset and have the client write their own interface
using your data.

MS: So consuming a web service is similar to calling a method in a CFC and
publishing is like making a method in a CFC publically available to other
developers. Is that right?

GV: Yes, it is that easy!

MS: So is it easy to consume and publish web services in ColdFusion? And how
does that compare to do it in other languages?

GV: Yes - it is much easier that in other languages where you may have to write
the WSDL description for the web service (a picky file to create).

MS: Cool! I will look forward to seeing you at CFUNITED.  You can see more
interviews at CFUNITED-05 is Wed 6/29/05
- Fri 7/1/05 in Bethesda MD, just outside Washington DC. It costs $649 until
6/10/05 then $749. For more information on CFUNITED see

Leveraging Web Services with ColdFusion
Web services promise to radically change the way we build and deploy
applications. But what exactly are web services and how are they used?
How are they built? In this hands-on session you will learn how to
consume and how to publish web services.

Speaker Bio:
Glenda Vigoreaux is a Macromedia Certified Master Instructor with over
10 years experience as a technical trainer. She has been teaching
Macromedia technologies since 1998. Most of her career has been devoted
to technical training, application development and public speaking.

She has a Master of Science degree in Information Systems and is also a
certified facilitator and coach in the processes of developing
leadership and management skills. Glenda is a featured speaker at
Macromedia MAX Conferences, where she won the MAX 2004 speaker
competition, receiving outstanding ratings from attendees of her sessions.

Glenda currently manages the training facility for roundpeg in Phoenix.
roundpeg is a premier Macromedia Authorized Training Partner that
specializes in web development, offering Enterprise, Web, and Wireless

5. "Developing Pocket PC Applications using .NET Compact Framework and CFMX
Web Services" interview with Dave Watts
Michael Smith: This time we are talking with Dave Watts about his CFUNITED-05
talk "Developing Pocket PC Applications using .NET Compact Framework and CFMX
Web Services". So why should a developer come to your session Dave?

Dave Watts: Everyone attending the conference already knows how to develop CF
applications with HTML interfaces. Some even know how to build rich client
interfaces with Flash and CF. But there's a whole world of devices out there,
for which Flash or HTML may not be the best solution in many cases. The Windows
Mobile platform used by Pocket PC PDAs and cell phones is a good example of
this. You can build Flash solutions for it, but there are quite a few
limitations there. So why not use the native forms toolset for building truly
rich client interfaces? While Windows Mobile is not the only player in the PDA
space, it is quickly gaining on Palm OS, so it's definitely worth considering
for development.

MS: Is Windows Mobile similar to Flash from the programmers point of view?

DW: Windows Mobile is a platform, and like any platform you have many ways you
can program for it. You can even use Flash with it! Windows Mobile supports
Flash 6, so you can do a lot of the same things with Flash on Windows Mobile
that you can do with Flash on your desktop.

However, the way you use a Windows Mobile device tends to be a little different
than the way you use your desktop. You might have a constant network connection
on your desktop, but you probably won't on your PDA, even if it's also a phone.
While Flash can persist some data locally, you might find that a more
traditional client-server approach is a little more powerful and flexible in
this case, and that's what .NET Compact Framework gives you.

MS: So does it provide support for intermittent network connectivity or do you
have to write special code to handle that?

DW:Yes, and yes. Because it's a local application, it has access to any kind of
local storage options that any other application might have. This even goes as
far as running a mini version of SQL Server! However, just like any local
application, you have to write the code to manage that storage. Likewise, your
application will have to determine the state of network connectivity and act

MS: So what language do you develop the front end in?

DW: Since the .NET Compact Framework is really just a reduced-size version of
the .NET Framework, a lot of things work the same way in both. You can use C-
sharp or Visual Basic.NET for .NET Compact Framework development just like you
can for regular .NET applications.

MS: And how does ColdFusion fit into this?

DW: I think the presentation title kind of gives this away - web services!

MS: Aha - makes sense. Sounds like a really cool topic - see you at CFUNITED.
You can see more interviews at CFUNITED-
05 is Wed 6/29/05 - Fri 7/1/05 in Bethesda MD, just outside Washington DC. It
costs $649 until 6/10/05 then $749. For more information on CFUNITED see


Developing Pocket PC Applications using .NET Compact Framework and CFMX Web


This topic will examine a Pocket PC application developed using .NET Compact
Framework, which allows the development of Windows Forms applications for the
Windows CE/Pocket PC platform. The application will take advantage of
intermittent network connectivity to synchronize client data with server data
through a CFMX web service interface.

Speaker Bio: Dave Watts, Chief Technology Officer, Fig Leaf Software Dave
founded Fig Leaf Software with Steve Drucker in 1992, and shares Steve's vision
of Fig Leaf Software as a world-class development and training company. As Chief
Technology Officer, Dave Watts drives the technology vision and enhances Fig
Leaf's competitive edge by developing the company's best practices, covering
server configuration, performance tuning, application development, and
application deployment. Recognized as an expert in the ColdFusion community,
Dave has been developing browser-based applications with ColdFusion since
version 1.5. He coauthored the best-selling ColdFusion book, The ColdFusion Web
Application Construction Kit, first and second editions with Steve Drucker and
Ben Forta. Along with Steve Drucker, Dave co-founded the first ColdFusion Users'
Group in Washington, DC.

He has been the most prolific poster on the CF-Talk mailing list for the last
several years, having answered several thousand questions on ColdFusion and
related topics. He regularly speaks at industry events, such as Macromedia MAX,
and writes articles for various trade publications. As one of the first
Macromedia-certified instructors, Dave combines exceptional teaching with course
development. He received a perfect score on his ColdFusion MX Certification, and
regularly pursues new certifications in other areas of interest. When not
developing or teaching for Fig Leaf Software, Dave enjoys playing with new
gadgets and technologies. In addition, he has served as an expert witness on IT
and internet issues in Maryland's civil court system.

Tell your friends about CFUNITED-05 - pass this email on

Check more about CFUNITED at:

We have:
* 3 days
* 7 tracks
* 20 sponsors
* 64 sessions
* 1000+ attendees
* 100% nicer hotel
* Includes lunch each day and open bar reception

We have seven tracks this year:

* Bootcamp - Basic ColdFusion and Flash topics
* Advanced - Advanced ColdFusion topics (Blackstone included!)
* Manager/Empowered - Fusebox and Project management topics
* Integration - Flash, Flex and other technologies integrated with CF topics
* Accessibility / usability - section 508, CSS and disabled access
* Deployment - tuning, install issues, OS, picking a database
* CF Platform Integration - interop with Microsoft and other technologies

The timely bird price of $549 for CFUNITED-05 ends 4/30/05.

Save upto $400 by registering now!

* Early Bird  $449 til 2/25/05
* Timely Bird $549 til 4/30/05
* Regular $649 til 6/10/05
* Late $749 til 6/28/04
* At the door $849

Register today at

Michael Smith, TeraTech Inc - Tools for Programmers(tm)
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+1-301-424-3903 International, Fax 301-762-8185  Thanks!

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