that worked great.  I had to fix a bunch of things but the concept was 
right-on.  and I was about to reply, "gosh darnit, I can't get it to do 
anything..." but nope.  Wonderful.  I get it too.  And nice to know about 
columnlist.  I had some code from someone else that did it my way and that's 
why I was using it but it was very old code.

hey have a great weekend.  I hope to.

> Another hint, when you run a <cfquery> tag in coldfusion, it returns a 
> list of columns in #queryname.columnlist#.
> So to rewrite you code.
> <cfif structKeyExists(form,'project_category')>
> <cfset project_id = form[form.project_category])>
> <CFQUERY NAME="project_retrieval" DATASOURCE="dpch">
> FROM empower_project_data
> WHERE project_id = #project_id#
>       </cfif>
>       <cfoutput query="dpch">
>         <cfloop list="#dpch.columnlist#" index="col">
> #col#<br>
>           <cfset session[col] = dpch[col][currentRow]>
> </cfloop>
> </cfoutput>
> Untested and just written in this e-mail, but this should be close to 
> what I THINK you are trying to do.
> --------------
> Ian Skinner
> Web Programmer
> BloodSource
> Sacramento, CA
> "C code. C code run. Run code run. Please!"
> - Cynthia Dunning
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