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I am building an app that has a fairly complex cf structure used to hold a
holiday booking in memory. When the booking is saved this structure needs to
be inserted into the relevant tables in a sql 7 database. What is the most
secure way to do these inserts in bulk and keep the id's unique, bearing in
mind that many inserts will be related and require the record id to be
returned after the insert? 

Also, can I loop around an insert query to add variable numbers of records
from a structure to the same database table, see example. 

What is the recommended limit for inserts using cftransction, the structures
that I want to insert en masse could total maybe 40 insert queries, is this
too much! 

I've also considered keeping the next table id numbers for a given
application stored in application variables, hopefully avoiding simultaneous
inserting problems. 

Any experience of these issues would be greatly appreciated. 



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<DIV>Hi, </DIV>
<P>I am building an app that has a fairly complex cf structure used to hold a 
holiday booking in memory. When the booking is saved this structure needs to be 
inserted into the relevant tables in a sql 7 database. What is the most secure 
way to do these inserts in bulk and keep the id's unique, bearing in mind that 
many inserts will be related and require the record id to be returned after the 
<P>Also, can I loop around an insert query to add variable numbers of records 
from a structure to the same database table, see example. 
<P>What is the recommended limit for inserts using cftransction, the structures 
that I want to insert en masse could total maybe 40<SPAN 
class=750550909-18092000> insert queries</SPAN>, is this too much! 
<P>I've also considered keeping the next table id numbers for a given 
application stored in application variables, hopefully avoiding simultaneous 
inserting problems. 
<P>Any experience of these issues would be greatly appreciated. </P>
<P><SPAN class=750550909-18092000><FONT face=Verdana 


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FN:Richard Moger (E-mail)
ORG:James Villa Holidays Ltd
TITLE:IT Manager
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TEL;WORK;FAX:+44 (01732) 872093
Road;Addington;Kent;ME19 5PL;United Kingdom
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