James Holmes wrote:
> That's what I thought, but I got different behaviour in my testing (the
> behaviour I saw is supported by the docs, which I'll quote in a bit). I
> started two separate transactions (read committed, the default) (call
> them 1 and 2); inserted in 1, inserted in 2,  select max in both, each
> returns the correct id; commit 2 - now select max in 1 returns the
> incorrect higher result from the committed 2.

> "Oracle meets the READ COMMITTED isolation standard. This is the default
> mode for all Oracle applications. Because an Oracle query only sees data
> that was committed at the beginning of the query (the snapshot time),
> Oracle actually offers more consistency than is required by the ANSI/ISO
> SQL92 standards for READ COMMITTED isolation." - Again note that this is
> for one query (statement), not one transaction,

I always thought Oracle took a snapshot at the beginning of the 
transaction and didn't forward it anymore but only applied local 
changes. I guess it is smarter then that :-)


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