While we're on the topic......

If you find yourself doing Java, the Eclipse IDE is a great platform
for it.  And there's the CFEclipse plugin that includes CF editors and
various other things, so you can do your CF work in the same
application.  And it itegrates easily with myriad version control
systems too.  Very nice package.


On 6/9/05, Chris Terrebonne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Thanks Nathan and Barney for clearing this up for me.
> I guess this was as perfect excuse as any to finally learn Java.  Man!  I was 
> surprised how simple it was.  I know C++ and I heard that the transition to 
> Java was easy, but I had no idea just how easy it was.  I should have done 
> this along time ago.  I know this is starting to drift into OT-land but... 
> it's nice to just code away without worrying about memory management.  If I 
> never malloc again... it will be too soon ;).
> Thanks for the inadvertent "push", guys.
> Chris

Barney Boisvert

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