As Jon stated Ultrdev is not a replacement.
But It can handle doing some advanced programming.

It is also very adaptable, you can right your own Server Behaviors & tweak
your code out till your hart is content.
IMHO it is the fastest development tool I have ever enjoyed using.


-----Original Message-----
Sent:   Friday, September 15, 2000 3:28 PM
Subject:        Re: Is there a replacement for Cold Fusion Studio?

I can relate fully. You would think that a coders tool would be the least
buggiest tool in your arsenal...but nooo
Studio 4.5 is so full of bugs I cant count them all.
Ultradev is not a replacement for Studio, it's nice in that it recognizes CF
tags and does not break anything. It's good for when you need to do visual
editing on your CF page but not for building anything more than the simplest

----- Original Message -----
From: "James Taavon" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, September 15, 2000 1:59 PM
Subject: Re: Is there a replacement for Cold Fusion Studio?

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> --------------43B6EB05B63975F07276C5E3
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> I can't seem to relate to your problem, I hope you find a solution.
> Reuben King wrote:
> >
> > You know, I really used to love CF Studio.  Especially
> > when it was HomeSite
> > and before Allaire bought it out..  Ever since then,
> > it has been my personal
> > opinion that the quality in this product has slipped
> > dramatically.  It's
> > quite buggy on any system that I've tried it on..
> > Annoying UI behavior
> > mostly.
> >
> > It really hasn't evolved THAT much since the humble
> > days of HomeSite yet it's
> > now incredibly bloated and did I mention buggy?
> >
> > I do like the built in property dialogues for editing
> > various CF commands..
> > it always helps when I'm dealing with that obscure
> > command I can't quite
> > remember the syntax for but am too lazy to dig up the
> > docs.
> >
> > So-- where's a girl to look?  What about Dreamweaver
> > Ultradev?  Is it a
> > qualified replacement for CF Studio?
> >
> > Thanks,
> > -RK
> >
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