Here's that code, but it just returns a query object. I don't think it 
can be the problem.

 * Translates a RSS Feed's items to a query.
 * @param rssDoc      RSS document to translate. (Required)
 * @return Returns a query.
 * @author William Steiner ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
 * @version 1, October 30, 2003
function TranslateRSSItems(rssDoc) {

    // the current token we are looking at
    var Token = GetToken(rssDoc,1,"<>");
    // LoopControl needs to be initialized
    var LoopControl = 1;
    // Initialize the Current Query Row
    var RowNumber = 1;

    // the number of the next token we are looking at
    var NextToken = 2;
    var RSS_Struct = StructNew();

    // Initialize Return Query
    var ResultQuery = QueryNew("Title, Link, Description");
    // loop until we are out of tokens
    while(Token is not "/rss"){
            case "channel":{
                // loop thru until we get to the first "item"
                // skiping all tokens relating to document itself
                while(Token is not "item") {
                    // increment next token
                    NextToken = NextToken + 1;
                    Token = GetToken(rssDoc,NextToken,"<>");
            } // end channel case
            case "item":{
                // if we are getting a item token, we want to:
                // create a new blank structure
                // define new structure
                RSS_Struct = StructNew();
                // increment next token
                NextToken = NextToken + 1;
            } // end item case       
            case "/item":{
                // if we are getting a /item token, we want to:
                // Create a new row in the query the each item
                // Assuming the structure isn't empty
                // copy existing structure into result array
                if (not StructIsEmpty(RSS_Struct)){
                    // add a new row to the query
                    RowNumber = QueryAddRow(ResultQuery);
                    // populate Query
                    QuerySetCell(ResultQuery, "Title", RSS_Struct.Title, 
                    QuerySetCell(ResultQuery, "Link", RSS_Struct.Link, 
                    QuerySetCell(ResultQuery, "Description", 
RSS_Struct.Description, RowNumber);
                // increment next token
                NextToken = NextToken + 1;
            } // end /item case       

            case "title":{
                // if we are getting the title token, then we want to:
                // add the next token to our structure, because that 
will be our title text
                // increment the 'nexttoken' variable two increments 
past the end title token

                // add the title to the structure
                StructInsert(RSS_Struct, "Title", GetToken(rssDoc,  
NextToken+1, "<>"));
                // increment next token
                NextToken = NextToken + 2;

            } // end title case

            case "Link":{
                // if we are getting the Link token, then we want to:
                // add the next token to our structure, because that 
will be our link text
                // increment the 'nexttoken' variable two increments 
past the end link token

                // add the title to the structure
                StructInsert(RSS_Struct, "Link", GetToken(rssDoc,  
NextToken+1, "<>"));
                // increment next token
                NextToken = NextToken + 2;
            } // end link case

            case "descrip":{   
                // if we are getting the description token, then we want to:
                // add the next token to our structure, because that 
will be our description text
                // increment the nexttoken variable once

                // add the title to the structure
                StructInsert(RSS_Struct, "description", 
GetToken(rssDoc,  NextToken+1, "<>"));
                // increment next token
                NextToken = NextToken + 1;
            } // end description case

            default: {
                Token = GetToken(rssDoc,NextToken,"<>");
                NextToken = NextToken + 1;
            } // end default case
        } // end switch
        Token = GetToken(rssDoc,NextToken,"<>");
    } // end while

    return (ResultQuery);

Mike Klostermeyer wrote:

>If you'll send me the code in the TranslateRSSItems function, I will play
>with it a little.

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