The easiest way to make a fairly busy site crash with CF5 is to use 
session and application (and a few others) variables without locking 
them. In CF5, you have to put <cflock> around all your shared scope 
variables, exclusive for writing, readonly for reading. Don't put it 
around database queries if you can help it.

A typical practice, back in the day, was to cflock readonly and set 
request.session = session in your Application.cfm file. Then your 
OnRequestEnd.cfm file would contain session=request.session. Same for 
application variables, if you use them. It may be a little more 
complicated than that, so trial & error it.

Of course, the easiest way to fix this problem, much easier than 
changing all our variables around in most cases, is just to upgrade to 
CFMX. You'll have a few problems here & there, but for the most part, it 
should solve these problems.

One last thing that will cause any version of CF to crash is external 
connections. Database, cfmail, cfpop, cfftp, cfhttp, COM objects, CFX 
tags, and anything else that causes CF to go outside of itself. If the 
external process is stalled or slow, CF can build up connections and crash.

-nathan strutz

Carl O wrote:

>I am kind of new to cold fusion (been dealing with it for about 6 months) 
>and not a programmer. This is a horrible question im about to ask, but can 
>you give me the basic steps to troubleshoot a CF problem? Our server is 
>crashing once every few days. Its cold fusion 5. The error logs dont really 
>have anything in common with previous crashes, but ive only jsut started 
>keeping records.
>I have horribly little information on the problem. We have two load balanced 
>webservers with an MS SQL database. all servers are very able to handle the 
>load we are having, barely reaching 50% cpu usage most of the time. Every 
>few days, one of the servers will crash. The fix is to restart the service. 
>This is highly annoying when it happens at 4am. The servers have not gone 
>down together yet.
>I have included the last error in the application log right before the 
>server crashed today. IP address has been removed to protect the innocent.
>65.35.XXX.XXX, Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows 98; Win 9x 4.90; 
>AT&T CSM6.0; H010818), An error occurred while evaluating the expression: 
>#HTTP_REFERER# Error near line 293, column 
>resolving parameter HTTP_REFERERColdFusion was unable to determine the value 
>of the parameter. This problem is very likely due to the fact that either: 
>You have misspelled the parameter name, or  You have not specified a QUERY 
>attribute for a CFOUTPUT, CFMAIL, or CFTABLE tag. The error occurred while 
>processing an element with a general identifier of (#HTTP_REFERER#), 
>occupying document position (293:56) to (293:69).Date/Time: 06/14/05 
>14:48:49Browser: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows 98; Win 9x 4.90; 
>AT&T CSM6.0; H010818)Remote Address: 65.35.XXX.XXXQuery String: 
>there are many of these errors throughout the day so i dont think its 
>related. Which log files would be the best ones to look at? is there a way 
>to get some kind of verbose logging? how do i determine exactly what the 
>server is doing at the moment of death?
>Like i said im a newbie any help appreciated.
>Carl O 

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