Highly recommend against that.  I intentionally used the less familiar
and more complex Java object, because it will be significantly more
performant as the string of DNA gets longer.

Java has a String "system", for lack of a better term, that is
optimized for speed and memory utilization with static strings, at the
expense of speed when manipulating strings.  In particular, string
operations such as len, mid, left, right, etc. are designed to be
fast.  Operations such as replace and concatenation are designed to be
somewhat slower in order to make the first group faster.  It's a
tradeoff, but one that makes sense the vast majority of the time.

StringBuffers (the object I used), on the other hand, are designed in
"normal" fashion, without any particular optimizations for certain
operations.  Consequently they're a little slower for some operations
than standard Strings, but they're much faster for other operations
(in particular, concatenation).

The designers of the Java language assumed that people who really care
about efficiency will be intelligent enough to use the proper type
(String or StringBuffer) based on what they're doing.  By and large, I
don't recommend mixing arbitrary Java into your CFML code, but the use
of StringBuffers when you have massive string concatenation is
definitely something to consider.

Smart Java compilers may convert string concatenation into
StringBuffers automatically to aid the developer.  I have no idea if
CF is that smart, so I explicitly tell CF what I want.  Note that I'm
talking about non-linear concatenation; linear concatenation is always
done using StringBuffers, because there isn't actually a concatenation
operator, every compiler will automatically convert it to some
StringBuffer operations, from what I understand.


On 6/14/05, Andrew Tyrone <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Using Barney's elegant struct solution, we can take it one step further by
> creating a UDF and getting rid of the Java by using a new variable and
> appending to it:
> <cfscript>
> function RevCompDNA(dna) {
>         var newdna = "";
>         var t = structNew();
>         t.c = "g";
>         t.g = "c";
>         t.a = "t";
>         t.t = "a";
>         for (i = 1; i LTE Len(arguments.dna); i=i+1) {
>                 newdna = newdna & t[mid(dna, i, 1)];
>         }
>         return newdna;
> }
> </cfscript>
> <cfoutput>#RevCompDNA("actg")#</cfoutput>
> Andy

Barney Boisvert

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