You know, the attributes exist in his directory (it's a directory of all 
the students on campus - not AD) and they are all empty.  However, he 
does not want to allow access to them because he doesn't know if they'll 
be filled with information down the road.

I guess what I really need to know is why those attributes are being 
requested so that I can convince him that the are harmless and only used 
for software interfacing and nothing more.  I just don't know if it's 
coldfusion that's asking for them, or the java subsystem.  And if it's 
the java subsystem, would macromedia even have any information?


Dawson, Michael wrote:
> Does the existence of these extra attributes cause your ldap queries to
> fail?  Or is your admin just wondering why they are there?
> I don't know about iPlanet, but I have never seen any attributes like
> this in Active Directory, so even if you specifically asked for them in
> your query, there would be nothing to return anyway.
> Unless you wanted to put in a support call to Macromedia, I would just
> say, "That's the way it is."  Many of us use CFLDAP and I have not seen
> this issue other than when you asked it a while back.
> It's good to have an anal system admin, but at some point, they just
> gotta let it go.
> M!ke 
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Mike Soultanian [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Thursday, June 23, 2005 11:11 AM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: Hoping *someone* can help me with my LDAP question
> Well, I have posted this question practically everywhere yet I have no
> answers and even worse, I really don't know where to go next.  If there
> is someone that could recommend a support path, I would *really*
> appreciate it as this is causing big problems for me.  Here are the
> details:
> When I run an LDAP query, Coldfusion is asking for a bunch of additional
> Java objects. I would hope that someone can help me explain it to my
> LDAP admin that it's normal, or at least what they are.
> Here's the LDAP query I'm trying to perform:
> <cfldap action="query"
> name="qCheckUsername"
> server="#ldapserver#"
> port="389"
> attributes="uid"
> maxrows="100"
> start="cn=People,ou=school,dc=edu"
> scope="subtree"
> filter="(uid=#someuid#)"
> username="uid=#myuserid#,cn=people,ou=school,dc=edu"
> password="#mypassword#">
> The problem that I'm having is instead of ColdFusion only asking for
> just the UID in the LDAP query, it is also asking for a bunch of other
> stuff. Take a look at what iPlanet shows in the logs:
> attrs="uid objectClass javaSerializedData javaClassName javaFactory
> javaCodebase javaReferenceAddress javaClassNames javaremotelocation"
> Any idea why ColdFusion (and/or the java subsystem) is asking for all of
> those extra attributes? Know what they are? I really only need the uid.
> My LDAP admin is extremely tight and does not want to give access to
> those objects because he doesn't know what they are so unfortunately I
> can't get any info at all!
> So, I just need to figure out what those extra attributes are so then
> maybe I can convince him to allow CF to see them.  Any help would be
> very much appreciated!
> Thanks,
> Mike

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