I've been noodling around with a photo gallery which relies on Picasa2 to 
create thumbs and web friendly images.  The app use cfdirectory to read the 
list of jpegs in any given directory making it easy to add and delete at 
will without updating the static HTML pages Picasa2 generates.

It's basic, but works well.  My app is three basic pages.  A page which 
lists folders.  A page which lists thumbnails when the user chooses a 
folder, and of course a page which shows the large image when the user 
clicks on one of the thumbnails.  I've been wanting to add a PREVIOUS - NEXT 
feature on the main image page so the user doesn't have to always hit BACK 
to the thumbs to navigate to the next image.

I don't see any way of using CFDIRECTORY to determine which file is next 
based on the current position.  I'm guessing that I will have to create a 
list of filenames and keep it in a session so that I can call the filename 
based on list position.  Any other theories?


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