> We have a global error handler that writes the errors
> to a log file.  For some of the entries everything is
> good, and it dumps all the variables properly (the
> full stack trace, including the line numbers of where
> the error occurred.).  However for some of the
> elements all I'm getting is the error below. I'm just
> dumping #cfcatch#.  Why is it different in this case
> and how do I get the template and line numbers?

Even with CF7, cfcatch objects still frequently don't function as
expected... The best answer I've been able to come up with is this:

function getError(err) {
        var err2 = structnew();
        if (structkeyexists(err,"rootCause")) {
                err2.rootCause = getError(err.rootCause);
        } return err2;

And then dump or otherwise use the result of getError() as you
normally would the cfcatch object... I had a problem recently with
cfcatch where <cfinvoke x="y" argumentcollection="#cfcatch#"> produced
the error "the required argument x was not provided" but changing it
to argumentcollection="#getError(cfcatch)#" produced the expected

No guarantees this will resolve your issue, but I figured it might be
germane (or maybe Janet). :)

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