The START has to be a valid, complete OU.

You will need to set the START to the lowest level of "dc=xxx,dc=yy" no
matter what.  Now, I haven't actually tried this, but it should work.
You might be able to use the FILTER attribute to limit the DNs.


Watch the format of the LDAP filter.  It's screwey, but pretty flexible.

Another option is to use group membership to separate your accounts.
Many organizations, ours included, mis-use AD OUs to separate groups of
people.  However, OUs should be used to grant administrative permissions
to different groups of objects.  Then, you use group membership to
separate/combine different types of objects.

If you are able to change the structure of AD, I would suggest doing it
before it goes too far.  If that is not an option, there are other ways
to find what you need.

For example, we have an OU for employees, an OU for faculty and an OU
for students.  Now, we have people here that work full-time, but also
teach a course or two.  But, at night, they attend classes.  Therefore,
they are employees, instructors and students.  So, where do you place
these people?

In my perfect world, we would just have a huge-honkin' OU for all user
accounts, and these people would become members of three different
domain groups.  But, it's too late for that here.

One other option, which works pretty good, is to periodically dump all
AD accounts into a SQL database.

Good luck.


-----Original Message-----
From: Tangorre, Michael [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, July 18, 2005 7:54 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: CFLDAP

I am trying to figure out if we need to reorder our Active Directory
architecture or if I can get around what appears to be a problem at the
current time.

Lets say I have a DN as follows:

CN=Tangorre\, Michael, ou=developers, ou=users, ou=building, dc=xxx,

Is there a way to specify to do a wildcard in the ou portion that
contains the building? Right now I can only get the users by building
name but what I really want is ALL users. The following gives me the
Silver Spring users but I want to disregard the building. If I omit it
that part of the OU, no records come back, if I use * I get an error. 

        start="ou=users,ou=Silver Spring,dc=xxx,dc=yy">

Any idea?


Mike T.

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