With the example below if I visit 

 http://sitename/test.cfm?no=3 and I am not logged in to view the
content on that page. i.e. (session.permission) has not been set

The page content displays and does not redirect ?

How could I modify the <cfif below to check that if a user visits
http://sitename/test.cfm?no=3 and is not logged in they are redirected
to the index.cfm page but if they are logged in they can view the
content. And if a user visits  http://sitename/test.cfm?no=2 or
http://sitename/test.cfm?no=4 etc the page content displays as normal
without any restrictions.

<cfparam name="url.no" default="0">
<cfset request.restrict = "3">

<cfif listfind(request.restrict,url.no) and
comparenocase(session.permission,"admin") neq 0>
        <cflocation url="index.cfm">

Page content

<cfinclude template="pages/#url.no#.cfm">

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