>So far all of the people that are not fans of fusebox simply do not
know how
>to use it and have spent no time reading the documentation or
>its implementation.  Do any of you have any real problems with fusebox?

I have used fusebox for several large projects, mainly because clients
have heard of it and without really understanding it they insist on
their application being built with it.  On the plus side, if I had to
fix or enhance somebody else's code I would prefer that it be written
fusebox-style, just to help me more easily track what templates do what
in a complex application that I did not write.  The same goes for
working with other developers on the same project (but only if it's a
very complex project).  That is the only slight advantage I have been
able to determine.  The downside is that it slows development time
because of extra logic that must be incorporated into index.cfm and
because the debugger reports most errors as occurring in index.cfm.
Fusebox probably slightly reduces performance because every template is
CFINCLUDEd within CFSWITCH/CFCASE logic in index.cfm, but I haven't gone
to the trouble of measuring performance explicitly in two otherwise
identical fusebox and non-fusebox applications so I don't know how much.

The thing I like least about the fusebox specification is the really
stupid filenaming system which scatters related modules away from each
other in a directory view (qryCustomerInfo.cfm and qryPrecincts.cfm are
not likely to be related except by their general function of containing
queries; it's far more helpful to name templates by functional groups
like CustomerList.cfm, CustomerEdit.cfm, and CustomerUpdate.cfm).

I think fusebox has its greatest value in large applications which are
being built by multiple developers simultaneously, as long as you ignore
the fusebox filenaming system which negates any advantages.  For small
applications (perhaps two dozen templates or fewer) there's no advantage
I can see.  Hopefully the filenaming convention will be improved as
fusebox evolves into a more mature programming methodology.


Karl Simanonok
Advanta Solutions, Inc.

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