All instances of a particular CFCs share a single object for each of their 
methods. So, a CFC is essintially an object with references to *singleton* 
method objects. Very efficient use of memory.

On 7/24/05, Barney Boisvert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> CFCs are definitely heavier than POJOs, however, much of that's at the
> class level, not the instance level. If you go look at the generated
> ..class files, you'll see that a CFC generates a class for the CFC
> itself, and then another class for each function. So if a given CFC
> will always require N+1 Java classes, where N is the number of methods
> on the CFC.
> I'm not sure if CFCs share method instances or not. If they do, then
> there should be little per-instance overhead, as a CFC instance is
> little more than a couple nested structures. If not, then you're
> going to be lugging around not only the nested structures, but also
> instances of each function per CFC instance, which could lead to
> significant memory usage.
> However, all that being said, it's an implementation detail that
> shouldn't really be of concern to developers for two main reasons.
> First, RAM is so damn cheap, and second, if you really care that much,
> you should be using POJOs. Java is SO simple to integrate into CF,
> there's really no excuse to not use it when you have a situation that
> warrants it. If you find your CFC implementation to be to much of a
> resource hog, add more memory to alleviate the problem (and keep the
> CF's hallmark ease-of-use), or switch the objects to POJOs (to get the
> tighter Java environment), but leave the business logic in CFCs.
> If you wanted to go for broke testing, it should be relatively
> straightforward to create a test environment for checking the size of
> a CFC instance. You just need a really good memory utilization
> checker for your system (not measured in percent, or MB, but bytes).
> Initialize all your code, make sure everything's been instantiated and
> executed. Check memory, create exactly one persistant instance, and
> check memory again. If you've done a proper job making sure nothing
> but that instance was created (or have ensured everything else was
> garbage collected), you'll know how big it is.
> cheers,
> barneyb
> On 7/24/05, Dov Katz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I have a cache similar to the cf_scopecache, though my objects can be 
> stored to file, memory as text, memory as a query, or memory as a cfc.
> >
> > I have a gallery cfc which holds an array of photo cfc instances. Real 
> simple, an id, file path, folder path, and friendly names for both object 
> types.
> >
> > They really helped performance but they seem to hog memory. How much 
> atypical (not your avg java object) overhead do cfc's add to traditional 
> java objects, if any? Just trying to make sure I am making the correct 
> assumptions about CFC's ....
> >
> > Thanks
> > -Dov
> >
> --
> Barney Boisvert
> 360.319.6145
> Got Gmail? I have 50 invites.

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