> What is the rule of thumb with the # ?
> I see you don' t need it to refer to cfparam variables but 
> you do use it for cfset variables and table variables can 
> someone clarify this?

You don't have to use it with CFSETs either:

<cfset foo = "bar">

To slightly oversimplify, you need to use hashes when you want to
instantiate the value of the variable or expression within a string.

<cfset outputme = "Output this string!">

<cfset foo = "in">
<cfset bar = "Put foo #foo# this string">
(which could be rewritten as 
<cfset bar = "Put foo " & foo & " this string">

<cfset bar = "baz">
<cfset foo = bar>
<cfoutput>#foo#</cfoutput> (this will output "baz")

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
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fax: (202) 797-5444
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