
My big question is, if I'm just submitting a simple form whose fields 
are just going to be emailed from the web server, is there any reason 
that I'd have to worry about other than display?  I mean, it seems like 
once the info is pushed off the Blackberry, it should just be taken care 
of as it normally would on the web server side, then just fire back the 
(formatted) page that I specify...

These are questions that I need to answer, but, we're waiting until we 
get an answer back from the CEO if this is the direction he really wants 
to go in before I proceed.  I hope he does, as I'd love to learn some 
more of this stuff.


Rick Mason wrote:
> Ray,
>  I have a friend who has done some Blackberry apps using
> WML. I've seen some of his apps that use forms to submit info to a CF 
> backend. If I am not mistaken Ben Forta even has a book out on WML.
>  The other alternative on the newer Blackberries is Java.
>  Rick Mason
> KnowledgeWatch
> Got news?
>  On 7/26/05, Ray Champagne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
>>Hey all:
>>So, here's a question for some of you more savvy developers out there:
>>how to I program a corporate web site to be viewable by a Blackberry? We
>>have a client who's salesforce just got issued Blackberrys. They
>>already have a web site with a form that they'd like to access via the
>>Blackberry on the road. All I really need to do is to make the form
>>work with a Blackberry display. Can someone out there that has done
>>this before explain in brief how I'd tackle this seemingly easy project?
>>I've never even touched a Blackberry before, so I'm not even sure
>>where I'd start. I'm currently perusing the Blackberry web site, but
>>figured I'd give the list a shout to maybe shorten my "catch up" time.

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