> I need to output the COOKIE.COMPASS.SID.#LOOPCOUNT#  But I
> don't know
> hwo to???

> Can anyone throw me a pearl?

> <cfloop
> Index="LoopCount"
> from="1"
> to="#cookie.COMPASS.sid.count#">
> <cfoutput>
> s#loopCount# = #cookie.COMPASS.sid.#LoopCount#
> </cfoutput>
> </cfloop>

Why do you have dots in the name of a cookie variable? ... isn't
cookie supposed to be 1 deep? ...

s#loopcount# = #cookie['compass.sid.' & loopcount]#

or if that doesn't work

#evaluate("cookie.compass.sid." & loopcount)#

s. isaac dealey   954.522.6080
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