> Hi folks... I have an application that is sort of like a
> guestbook that
> I threw together, and when people type in long strings
> without spaces,
> it messes up my template.

> What's the best way to prevent that?

> I was thinking about looping through a comment as a list
> with a space
> delimiter, and looking for strings longer than X
> characters.  That'd
> probably work I'm just wondering if anyone has dealt with
> this issue and
> had their own solution.

> Thanks

> Rick

I'm not up on super-string theory... :P

But my answer to this generally speaking is not to accept guests. :P

p.s. I don't know if there's really a better answer -- if you loop
over them with whitespace characters as delimiters, what will you do
with the long strings when you see them? If it's a word (like say --
the scientific name of black lung disease) would you just insert a
hyphen in an arbitrary location or what?

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