
A deadlock message is not an error per se - at least not necessarily a
programming error.  It means that there are competing SQL connections trying
to access the same resource on the client variable store.  The first thing I
would do would be to clear out all the client variables in the table (CDATA
I think). I would also add an index or 2 to make selects breath easier. It's
possible that this will fix your immediate problem.

Finally, since you have this problem on a dev box (and presumably you are
not hitting the same SQL server) which is typically not as busy as
production - I would look for code that is continually inserting into the
table. For example - if you dynamically change the application name with
every request (don't laugh - it's been done :).


-----Original Message-----
From: Botts, Tom [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, August 03, 2005 3:51 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Client deadlock

I am getting a ton of these error messages.  They are not in the
coldfusion admin logs but under Jrun/logs/cfusion-out.log.  This is a MX
7 installation, sql 2000, server 2003.

These are the steps we have tried so far:
1.  We observed we are getting these on both our production box and test
2.  On the test box we have switched jdbc drivers from microsoft to
native macromedia - no difference.
3.  On the test box we switched sql servers - no difference.

08/03 16:40:25 Information [jrpp-550] - client variable JDBC STORE -
retry 3
08/03 16:40:25 Information [jrpp-535] - [Microsoft][SQLServer 2000
Driver for JDBC][SQLServer]Transaction (Process ID 377) was deadlocked
on lock resources with another process and has been chosen as the
deadlock victim. Rerun the transaction.
08/03 16:40:25 Warning [jrpp-535] - Failed to store CLIENT variables to
datasource CF_SERVER - [Microsoft][SQLServer 2000 Driver for
JDBC][SQLServer]Transaction (Process ID 377) was deadlocked on lock
resources with another process and has been chosen as the deadlock
victim. Rerun the transaction.

Any clues ?

Thanks in advance,
Tom Botts
Gilbarco Inc.
336-547-5911 phone
336-547-5163 fax
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