You should give a try do GetTickCount() function.


<cfset t1 = GetTickCount)>

.... code ...

<cfoutput>#t1-GetTickCount()# ms</cfoutput>

Or if you're planning to measure the overall page load time (not a 
specific code) in all your site you should look a specific tool for it, 
like Web Application Stress Tool.


Fabio Terracini
Synex Technologies Co.
Fone/Fax: +55 (11) 3071-3363

Karl Simanonok wrote:

>I'd like to be able to measure the response times of thousands of various 
>URLs I have in a database.  This is one way:
>       <CFSET TimeHack1 = TimeFormat(Now(), 'hh:mm:ssTT')>
>       <CFHTTP URL="#GetSites.URL#"
>               METHOD="GET"
>               resolveURL="1"
>               throwOnError="YES">
>       </CFHTTP>
>       <CFSET TimeHack2 = TimeFormat(Now(), 'hh:mm:ssTT')>
>       <CFSET TimeDiff = DateDiff("s", TimeHack1, TimeHack2) * 1000>
>       <H1>Ping time: #TimeDiff# Milliseconds!</H1>
>The PROBLEM with this method is that the ColdFusion time functions only 
>allow resolution to the nearest second, so I get results like 0, 1000, 
>2000, 3000 etc., a very crude measurement when what I really want is 
>response time in milliseconds.
>Here is another way to to potentially solve the problem, from 
><cfset dir=getdirectoryfrompath(getcurrenttemplatepath())>
><cfloop from="254" to="200" index="lp" step="-1">
>       <cfset ip="10.1.1.#lp#">
>       <cfset filename="10.1.1.#numberformat(lp,"000")#.txt">
>       <cfexecute name="c:\winnt\system32\ping.exe" arguments="#ip# -n 1" 
>timeout="5" outputfile="#dir##filename#"></cfexecute>
>       <cffile action="READ" file="#dir##filename#" variable="txt">
>       <cfoutput>#ip#</cfoutput>
>       <cfif txt contains "Reply from #ip#">
>                SUCCESS
>       <cfelseif txt contains "Request timed out.">
>                -failed-
>       <cfelse>
>                <font color="Red">unknown</font>
>       </cfif>
>The PROBLEM with this second method is that it's got to be horribly 
>inefficient to repeatedly call Ping.exe with CFEXECUTE (and wait for four 
>replies), write a file, then read the file.  On top of it the output has to 
>be parsed up to get the final number of milliseconds that I really 
>want.  While this method could probably be made considerably more efficient 
>by skipping the file-writing and file-reading steps and just parsing the 
>output from CFEXECUTE, it's still ugly and kludgy to repeatedly call 
>Ping.exe this way, I'd sooner just get my results to the nearest second 
>with the first method.
>1) I'd very much like to be able to use CF by itself if possible; is there 
>any known way to use CF to get the time difference between two time hacks 
>in milliseconds?
>2) Secondly, because CF is limited in the number of simultaneous threads it 
>can handle (I'm using CF 5 although I could use MX 6 if I really had to), 
>what happens if thousands of CFHTTP requests are made this way very 
>quickly?  Does CF just stop and wait until there are threads available or 
>could so many CFHTTP requests lock up the server this app would be running 
>on?  I suppose I could throttle down the request rate if I had to, there 
>isn't any reason why thousands of CFHTTP requests have to be made all in 
>one batch.  So I guess this question boils down to: what would be the 
>maximum number of CFHTTP requests that I should burden the server with at 
>any one time?  It's a CrystalTech dedicated server, a 1.8 GHz single Intel 
>CPU machine running Windows 2003 Server and CF 5.0 with about half a gig of 
>RAM, and it can be devoted to this task if need be, so interference with 
>other applications isn't a factor.
>3) Finally, CFHTTP if successful will return all the code from the URL 
>called, unlike Ping.exe.  I like this fact because it will give me a truer 
>response time for each URL in my database, but all I actually need is the 
>response time in milliseconds.  Is all the data returned going to fill up 
>RAM on the server or worse go to disk cache, or can I somehow tell CF to 
>discard it immediately?
>Karl Simanonok

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