This fixes the problem:

>Thanks for looking at it Dave, it has me completely stumped, I always seem 
>to find the cruelest limitations of a technology where there's no way 
>out.  I think the CFHTTP timeout is probably working as intended, so that 
>if no reply at all is received then the timeout applies.  The problem is 
>that there's no way to tell CFHTTP when to stop after it does start 
>receiving data AND there wasn't an error in the HTTP header.
>It's pretty interesting to put the code snip on a server and watch CPU 
>utilization in the Task Manager when it's run.  CPU utilization starts 
>rising pretty rapidly, it takes ten or fifteen seconds to get all the way 
>to 100% and then it's just pegged there forever, which means I can't ever 
>let my link checker run unattended, and nobody else who ever builds a link 
>checker with ColdFusion can either.  Sometimes CPU utilization rises and 
>falls a few times, creating an upward sawtooth pattern before it reaches 
>I've tried putting the CFHTTP in a CFLOOP inside a custom tag to use CFEXIT 
>logic on it, trying to break out of the loop execution after a few seconds 
>time, but that didn't work either.
>I could theoretically accomplish the goal by using CFEXECUTE to run 
>Ping.exe, but then I'd have to parse the output to get the ping time and 
>deal with every possible error message, ack.
>What do you think the chances are that MM would patch version 5.0 CFHTTP 
>for me with a 'global timeout' to force CFHTTP to stop after X seconds, 
>LOL?  Other than that I'm at a loss for a fix to this problem unless 
>somebody else has some brilliant ideas.
>Do you know how to report a bug to Macromedia?  Their website discusses 
>various levels of paid support, but I am not about to pay them for the 
>privilege of informing them of a bug in their code.
>Karl S.
>At 06:59 AM 8/12/05, Dave wrote:
>No virus found in this outgoing message.
>Checked by AVG Anti-Virus.
>Version: 7.0.338 / Virus Database: 267.10.8/71 - Release Date: 8/12/05

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