On 8/19/05, Barney Boisvert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> XMLBuddy isn't free.

Not entirely correct. There is, in fact, a free version of XMLBuddy
available at http://xmlbuddy.com/. However, since it's copyrighted
code, I doubt it would be legal to rip their code.

That being said, I do vaguely remember Spike posting a long e-mail
several months back stating that code wrapping will not be a feature
added to the plugin. I believe the reason were along the lines of it
being overly complicated to implement and that code wrapping can lead
to poorly formatted code. You'll need to search the archives to find
the exact post, but, as I said, I remember him specifically noting
that code wrapping wasn't a feature that they were considering at the

Personally, having inherited code for a developer who used code
wrapping, I hate it and would vote *against* such a feature. It's such
a pain in the tail to read/re-format the code! Besides, if your line
of code is that long, use the Enter key and use whitespace management!


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