
What numbers are you using to stay under the radar?  x per hour?  x per minute? 
Whatever details you can share I am sure will help win the war on SPALM 
(Service Providers Attacking Legitimate Mailers). :)


-----Original Message-----
From: Matt Robertson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, August 24, 2005 5:05 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: Lowering spam profile of CF generated emails

A lot of the stuff up above is good advice. Especially the stuff about 
proper mx records.
 I have been able to completely eliminate the issue of AOL, MSN Yahoo etc. 
thinking they see spam coming from my server by throttling all mail that 
goes out of the box. No clients are allowed to send email blasts. They all 
run it thru a trickler app and as a result skate safely under the radar of 
every frequency filter out there to date.
 I have some clients -- professional associations -- whose memberships are 
just freakin' loaded with AOL, Hotmail etc. They do mailings in the 5-10,000 
piece range with nothing coming back due to a temp block (stuff like "could 
not deliver because user does not exist" when you know it does in fact exist 
and later, on retry, the mail goes thru). Same goes for a commercial vendor 
sending out daily alert-type emails showing product in inventory matching a 
requested profile. Those are 10-100k html emails... No problems.

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