
Thanks for nice comments about the UDF and I am glad that it worked
for you. I have been using it at my work since some of our dataset are
huge and it was taking forever for clients to download a CSV file.

Qasim Rasheed

On 8/25/05, Alan Rother <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> We had the same problem. We found that anything over 50000 was crashing our
> server using the old school cfloop over a variable.
>  Check out <> and search for this
>  QueryToCSV2
>  It uses JAVA and the toString method. It reduced our export time by about
> 2000% and now I have succesfully exported recordsets as large as 500000
> records.
>  Qasim Rasheed is the guy who wrote it, it rules and he is the man.
>  =]
>  On 8/25/05, gabriel l smallman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > Have an app. That needs to turn a query of about 150,000 records into a
> > text
> > file, zip it, send back to user.
> >
> > Using cf to loop and build the text file just wont work, it takes forever
> > and often crashes.
> >
> > Someone mentioned a way todo it with php, by invoking a function that
> > converts the record set in ram to a text file and then zips and send back.
> > But we are stuck doing it on box with mx 6.0.
> >
> > Looked at having sql generate the file, but trying to avoid mapping drives
> > to move it around.
> >
> > Anyone got an clever ideas?
> >
> > gabe
> >
> >
> >

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