On 8/30/05, Dustin M Snell [Network Automation]
> Adam,
> Hey! Speaking of cheap -- that's kind of a cheap shot! I'm not cheap, but we
> are talking about a small business here that still has a requirement for
> maximum uptime.
> I wouldn't mind paying twice as much for two servers - even though the 2nd
> isn't even doing anything most of the time. I don't think it's much to ask
> that it be able to scale to that level without having to increase our
> initial investment 8x over.

While not speaking for Adam (he can certainly do that for himself), I
think his point, indirectly, was that you have to weigh the actual
importance of constant uptime vs. cost. For my company, for example,
it is run entirely through our web site -- there's no shrink-wrapped
product, no magazines, etc. Therefore, as a smaller company ourselves,
we made the business decision that we would lose money beyond recovery
if our site was down for an extended period of time. As such, the
thousands of dollars we paid to be in a clustered environment (two
physical servers each running full versions of JRun with CF Enterprise
deployed in each behind a BigIP load balancer) is a drop in the bucket
and a no-brainer. That being said, the situation is might be entirely
different for you. In Adam's case, I believe he works for the US State
Department. That's not one of my government agencies that I'd want to
hear has constant downtime! (And $10K in the context of the State
Department's budget is nothing anyway.)

As others have noted, there are ways to achieve high availability
without buying top shelf hardware and Enterprise versions of
ColdFusion. Personally, I'd start by looking at your code, and, in
particular, any potentially long running queries to see if that's
what's causing your spikes. Make sure you're using the recently
released JDBC driver upgrades and that they're properly installed.
Turn on the "log long running requests" option in the CF Admin and set
the threshold to a value right at what you think the longest page
response should be. I think what you'll find is that most issues are
with the codebase and not the CF server product itself. I've consulted
on numerous engagements where the client was blaming the hardware, but
there was zero effort to cache anything and their code was constantly
making query calls to pull back 10,000 records just to get a record

All of the above being said, there is great value in failover
availability. Others have already chimed in with relatively cheap
solutions you could try out if your code analysis is fully optimized.


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