Rick Osborne wrote:
>Allaire gets how many thousand dollars per copy of CF? 
You say that as if maybe there is something wrong with that.  
It's the basis of a capitalist, free market economy.  You 
work, you make the money ... not the motherland.  From what 
I understand from your post ... you want an independent solution 
... and like a lot of others ... that 15 minutes of fame :)

Coleman wrote:

>Would someone take a moment to explain this phenomenon?
Dreamers with a good imagination..  More power to them ...
I'm still contemplating perpetual motion.

Joe Hoffman mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
National Institutes of Health 
Center for Information Technology 
Division of Computer System Services

-----Original Message-----
From: Hydra [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, November 09, 2000 1:49 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Money for Nothing & Chicks for Free?

I continue to be mystified by these kinds of discussions. Would someone take
a moment to explain this phenomenon?

If someone really writes a "FreeCF" and the Allaire Corp. goes down the
tubes, then will we really all be better off? When all software is
OpenSource, free, etc. then how do developers make a living?

Do all of you live at home with your parents or what???

-----Original Message-----
From: Rick Osborne (Mojo) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, September 22, 2000 12:34 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: Crazy idea? (topical, but not programming)

Allaire gets how many thousand dollars per copy of CF?  Do we *really* think
they're going to GPL (or even just OpenSource) it any time soon?  I'm naive,
but I'm not *that* naive.  :)

I've often pondered the feasibility of writing a "FreeCF" of some sort.
(More and more lately, actually.)  Of course, I have no doubt that it would
be vastly inferior to the real thing.  But then, that's not the point, is
it?  I've got the SourceForge account, I've got the compiler, and I've
certainly got the motivation.  My ODBC, ISAPI, and Apache mod_ skillz aren't
where they were, but I'm sure I could get back up there.  Now all I need is
the free time.  :)

But, actually, you know what my numero uno motivation for writing FreeCF
would be?  I want a CF interpreter object library that I can embed in my
applications without a web server.  (Yes, yes, I know, I've thought about
it, you'd still have to emulate a CGI environment, I know.)  You've seen how
many posts we get on "CF on a CD" and all that rot.  I've thought about it,
as I'm sure have most others on the list.  I would *kill* for that

That, and in a more selfish vein, think about the recognition for doing
something like that.  Allaire would sent out the men in the black sedans,
but everyone else would buy you lots of free beer.  (Or your favorite
non-alcoholoic equivalent.)  <shiver>  Gives my ego the willies just
thinkin' about it.  :)

Okay, that's my non-programming post for the month.  I'll get back to work


-----Original Message-----
From: Juan Andres Alvarez Valenzuela [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, September 22, 2000 11:46
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Crazy idea?

any topic about a Coldfusion Open source ?
what about CFML especs ? any ideas ?

is it a crazy idea to have a GNU Coldfusion servers ?


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