Can't figure out why the following query behaves like it does, but
I'm guessing there must be something fundamental about how SQL
operates that I'm not comprehending.

I've got a one:many relationship between table A and table B.  Table
B records represent "new for XXXX year" for a given record in 
table A.  For example, there can be 0 or 1 "new for 2000" record in
table B for one record in table A.   I've got about 650 records in
table A, with 593 of them with a status of 'ACTIVE'.  In table B,
there are about 1000 records, and exactly 89 are for the year 2000.

Table A:
areacode varchar(5)
status   varchar(10)

Table B:
areacode varchar(5)
year     smallint
new      varchar(255)

I want to return all of the records in A, along with the "news" for
the year 2000, from table B.  I should get 593 records.  Since table
B only has year 2000 records for 89 of the records in table A, I
think I need to do a left outer join.

FROM A LEFT JOIN B ON A.areacode = B.areacode
WHERE A.status = 'ACTIVE'
  AND B.year = 2000

I get only 89 records returned, and the query appears to behave 
exactly like an an inner join.  I suspect it has something to do
with my WHERE clause that defines conditions on both of the tables,
but I can't see another way to do this.

Thanks for any assistance,

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