Ok Jim,
I think I found the last area where we're getting mixed up.  However, I
think I understand where you're coming from (and see some of the
advantages that you have suggested).  My proposed idea below is still
storing the file information, but I'm using your filename-permission
idea.  Check this out:

Blank initialized system - Permission database is currently empty (no
permissions registered).

Some random user logs in and hits two templates (user.cfm and
message.cfm) which have the following:

<cf_security perms="read,edit,delete">

<cf_security perms="read,edit,delete,post">

Since neither of these files have been registered with the security
system yet, cf_security registers the filenames and permissions in the
database (assuming filenames are the unique identifier for simplicity)
and tells the user to wait until permissions have been set.  The
permission table would look like this:

1       MESSAGE         READ            
2       MESSAGE         EDIT            
3       MESSAGE         DELETE          
4       MESSAGE         POST    
5       USER            READ    
6       USER            EDIT    
7       USER            DELETE  

Now, I log into my super-duper permission editor and assign groups to
those permissions so the table will now look like this:

1       MESSAGE         READ    USERS   
2       MESSAGE         EDIT    MODS
3       MESSAGE         DELETE  ADMINS
4       MESSAGE         POST    USERS
5       USER            READ    USERMODS
6       USER            EDIT    USERMODS
7       USER            DELETE  ADMINS

Now, here is the user/group membership table:

mike    ADMINS, MODS
dan     USERS

Let's say user "Joe" logs in and he's obviously a member of the USERMODS
and USERS groups.  Upon login, the system performs a lookup to see what
permissions are assigned to those groups (IDs 1, 4, 5 and 6).  Those
permissions are then loaded into memory like this:

session.permissions = "messageread, messagepost, userread, useredit"

Now, let's say Joe hits the USER.CFM template.  The cf_security tag is
the following:

<cf_security perms="read,edit,delete">

so the cf_security tag can do a compare between the permissions loaded
in memory (session.permissions) and what permissions are stored in the
file and set any permission to TRUE that match up (remember, cf_security
assembles the permission by taking the filename and the permission).

The nice thing about this is within the code, you just use standard
words like:

if edit
  do this
end if

Instead of:

if messageedit
  do that
end if

which makes the code nice and portable if you decide to reuse it
somewhere else (not specific to that file).

What I really like about this is that there are no database hits while
the user is browsing the site.  Keeps things nice and fast.

The only thing I don't like about this setup is that I'm loading up all
those permissions into memory - seems kinda wasteful.  Let's say I had
100 files with each of them having a few permissions, that list could be
huge, multiply that by lots of users, that could be a lot of memory.  I
could instead load the PERMID list into memory, but then I'd obviously
have to do a lookup to pull the actual permission out of the database
every time someone hits a template so cf_security could make the match.

The other option is loading up the group memberships into the session
variable at login and then doing a group/permission lookup for every
template, but that would have a similar performance hit (if not slightly
higher) than the PERMID list, but the session variable stays small.

Now, I understand that I'm repeating permissions, i.e. there is a
permission EDIT in USER.CFM and also another permission EDIT in
MESSAGE.CFM, but those permissions are still template specific.  I can't
give some group generic EDIT permissions because EDIT on one template
doesn't mean the same thing on another template.

i.e. You have an file in NTFS that has modify permission.  You also have
an OU in Active Directory that can be assigned the modify permission.
However, that doesn't mean that I should have generic modify access to
both of those objects just because their permission "titles" are the same.

So whatcha think?


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