
Aaron Rouse wrote:
> Did they start the page off with:
>  <cfsetting enablecfoutputonly="yes">
>  I have worked on peoples code that always start with that and wrap things 
> like you described. Best I can tell they did it in an attempt to save on 
> white space.
>  On 9/8/05, Ray Champagne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
>>That makes sense. Although, I'm definitely inclined to think this
>>person had no idea of performance issues, since there are lines that
>>look like this:
>>which is obviously just ridiculous, but they are EVERYWHERE. LOL. I
>>know I could get rid of those, just wondering if it would be easier to
>>just eliminate them all and surround the whole block (most are less than
>>100 lines) with one without sacrificing too much.
>>Andy McShane wrote:
>>>I was always led to believe that putting cfoutput tags around a whole 
>>>of code was slower that only putting the tags around the code that you
>>>wanted output. If I remember correctly it is because the entire code 
>>>between cfoutput tags has to be parsed and that could mean wasting time 
>>on a
>>>lot of layout code. Not sure if there is a major difference in 
>>>suppose it depends on the amount of code in the block?
>>>-----Original Message-----
>>>From: Ray Champagne [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>>Sent: 08 September 2005 18:09
>>>To: CF-Talk
>>>Subject: multiple cfoutputs vs one as a wrapper
>>>Hey all:
>>>I'm tasked with the job of reworking someone else's FB CF code, and one
>>>thing that is driving me crazy is that the person who originally wrote
>>>the code dropped in soooo many cfoutput's that it's really not readable.
>>>Is there a performance benefit for doing this vs just cfoutputting a
>>>whole block of code?

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