Typically I have my udf library included - I have a check to first see if
that 'definition' already exists - that way I'm guarenteed to not include
multiple 'udf libraries' w/in any document like this

<cfif not(isdefined('request.udf_SomeFn'))>
Function udf_SomeFN()

Setting of all udf's to request vars

        <cfset request.udf_SomeFn = variables.udf_SomeFn >

Works for me ;)

Kevin Penny

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Friday, September 09, 2005 2:45 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Custom Tag question


I have a custom tag.  It needs to have access to a UDF that I've created.
The UDF is stored in a file called application_udfs.cfm which is CFINCLUDED
in the application.cfm file of my application. Here's my problem:

1.  If I run the page as is, my custom tag fails saying that the 'Variable
ForceLinkTargetBlank Is Undefined'.  

2.  If I do a <CFINCLUDE> in my custom tag to include that
application_udfs.cfm file (so it can see the UDF), I get this error:

Routines cannot be declared more than once. 
The routine "ForceLinkTargetBlank" has been declared twice in different

I'm stumped.  I know this is something simple, but I guess it being a Friday
afternoon it's escaping me.  Any ideas on how I can debug this thing and
figure out what's going on?

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