It sounds like on your production server that the /CFIDE virtual
directory is simply not set up correctly. Just fix that and all should
be well. Or, if you want to keep stuff in formscripts, and formscripts
is under root, you should be able to always do,


and that should work from any level.

But I'd look into fixing CFIDE first.

On 9/12/05, Mike Kear <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Ray, it's quite likely I'm confused. I'm very easily confused - just ask my
> wife.
>  I can't see what's wrong with this cfform tag, that works just fine on my
> dev pc, but when I ftp the same file to the production server, it doesnt
> work:
>  <cfform name="myform2" format="flash" skin="HaloBlue" preservedata="yes">
>  blah blah blah
>  </cfform>
>  When I turn on debugging for the Cfforms, it tells me that it can't find
> cfform.swc
>  That's why I tried uploading the whole tree under CFIDE/Scripts into a
> folder in this site called formscript and then changed the CFFORM tag to the
> following,
> <cfform name="myform2" format="flash" skin="HaloBlue" preservedata="yes"
> scriptsrc="../formscripts">
>   ... and now it works.
>   Only if i have this in an include file (which is what i usually do with
> forms to maximise re-use), I have to make sure the calling file is on the
> same level so the scriptsrc attribute still works, because I can't use the
> way I normally call cfcs, which would be like this:
>  <cfform name="myform2" format="flash" skin="HaloBlue" preservedata="yes"
> scriptsrc="#request.appmapping#/formscripts">
>  That doesnt work. It tells me it can't find
> /sitename/formscripts/cfform.swc
> Huh? What the ... .?
>  Cheers
> Mike Kear
> Windsor, NSW, Australia
> Certified Advanced ColdFusion Developer
> AFP Webworks
> ColdFusion, PHP, ASP, ASP.NET <http://ASP.NET> hosting from AUD$15/month
>    On 9/13/05, Raymond Camden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > CF mappings are server side. The SCRIPTSRC value you are using acts
> > client side, as far as I know. If you add a virtual directory that
> > maps to the same place your CF mapping does, you should be fine.
> >
> > Secondly, the SCRIPTSRC attribute is meant to be used to include the
> > stuff Flash Forms use. Typically you don't use this for your OWN work.
> > You can very easily put files in a folder that use CFFORM, and then
> > call those files via cfmodule using mappings.
> >
> > I think you are confusing two different issues here.
> >
> > From the docs for scriptSRC:
>  [snip]

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