my experience was this:

1. it took a bit of finagling to get it up and running right.
2. when i finally got it up and running i felt like i was in a
different world where errors werent the same, and i didnt know what to
do to fix them
2.5 it really felt like a one's off kinda thing
3. my code that was working perfect on 6.1 didnt work perfect on
4. i quickly removed it and put 6.1 back on
5. my company bought cfmx 7 and we arent about to do anything different.
6. i felt like a traitor.

just my opinion and experience.


On 9/14/05, Andy Mcshane <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi all, I am in the process of setting up a development machine to evaluate 
> Bluedragon .Net edition. The intention is to merge 2 of our .Net & Coldfusion 
> MX & 7 servers into 1 server (for reasons unknown to me, hey-ho!). I would 
> like to hear of anybody's experience, good & bad, of using, 
> specifically any tags not suported, tags that work differently, any 
> Coldfusion 7 functionality, ease of integration/problems etc. This is not 
> meant to cause any flame war as to which is better as there is no intention 
> of moving from one specific version to another, we will still be running 
> Coldfusion & .Net servers anyway. I would just like to keep my options open 
> and have experience of multitple environments.

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