Inconsistencies between browsers (IE, Firefox, etc.) does present minor 
issues on occasion, not just in basic terms (like slight differences to 
the DOM style references), but also in broader issues (like how each 
browser is affected by the use of a particular DTD). When IE7 is finally 
released hopefully some of this will be relieved (if they can convince 
everyone to upgrade [yeah, right...]).

All of that being said though, it's worth the tradeoff. I've been slowly 
implementing styles in my work for the last few years. I've even totally 
rewritten 3rd party code to make it HTML 4/XHTML compliant with styles 
(and later stylesheets) so that they were easier to change/maintain. 
It's nice to change one line of CSS to change the appearance of an item 
across an entire site (like changing the font-type, or the font-size, or 
the background color). Sure, sometimes there are issues (especially with 
the box model), but generally a little time of tweaking/testing will 
work it out, with an occasional trip to Google or the W3CSchool.

I generally start with a layout that works with Firefox (my browser of 
choice) and then look at it within IE to see what needs to be 
changed/adjusted. I pre-plan my layout prior to coding, which helps me 
develop with an eye for encapsulating pods of content and pre-defining 
default and block level styles. Since the view layer is usually the last 
area of code I work on it typically doesn't take much of my time. Since 
code/dev is only about 10% of my current work week then that is time 
well spent (I can't wait to get back to core dev. Now, where was that 

Minor things will drive you nuts, but typically only you will notice. 
It's worth the initial effort.


Rick Faircloth wrote:

>Thanks for the reply, Cutter...
>It does seem an elegant and efficient way to design,
>but I've been following discussions on the css-discuss
>mailing list, and they sure spend a lot of time figuring out
>design issues.
>I'm just wondering if I'll be spending too much time trying
>to make CSS design behave and not enough time coding CF.
>I guess there's probably a common set of functional design
>patterns that work well with all (mostly all) browsers and I
>could learn what to stay away from...
>What's been the key for making CSS work well for you
>in dealing with incompatabilities between browsers?  Or does
>it just seem that there are a lot of issues because the problems
>are usually the only hot topics that are discussed on lists...
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Cutter (CF-Talk) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Sent: Wednesday, September 14, 2005 3:33 PM
>To: CF-Talk
>Subject: Re: CSS and Firefox
>Yes, I'm using CSS for all of my design (only using tables for tabular
>data). Irie Radio is my first foray into Mach II, and every page
>contains some dynamic data (much more to come). I've really had to
>rethink some things structurally to leverage CF with a total CSS layout,
>but in the end run I'm finding it to be much more flexible from a design
>standpoint, especially as I modularize my code. Much easier to change
>and maintain.
>Rick Faircloth wrote:
>>Hi, Cutter...
>>Are you using CSS as your primary design approach or tables?
>>I say primary, because I'm sure you use both, but what do you
>>use to do your basic page layout?
>>And if you use CSS, how has it worked with dynamic pages and CF?
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: Cutter (CF-Talk) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>Sent: Wednesday, September 14, 2005 9:08 AM
>>To: CF-Talk
>>Subject: Re: CSS and Firefox
>>AAAAhhhh! Thanks Damien. I had tried adjusting the internal content
>>block sizes and forgot about my primaryContent container.
>>The WebDeveloper Toolbar extension for Firefox is great for this as
>>well. It's got an option in the Outline menu to Outline Block Level
>>Elements, so I don't have to adjust my stylesheet to see all of these
>>elements. Overall it's not perfect, but it has been a great tool.
>>Thanks again Damien (and all those others who posted). Dropping that
>>width just 5px (460px) was all it needed.
>>Damien McKenna wrote:
>>>Its simply a case of your content being too wide.  I made the following
>>>change and it worked fine:
>>>#primaryContent {
>>>     width:455px;
>>>I suggest adding the following to your main DIVs to see where everything
>>>is *really* positioning:
>>>     border: 1px dashed red;

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