I'm getting an error while trying to execute a q of q in a CFC.

The error I am getting is  "Complex object types cannot be converted to
simple values." which seems to be coming from the "From" statement.

<cffunction name="qry_orgsubset" access="remote" returntype="query">
                <cfargument name="recordset" type="query" required="true">
                <cfset var local="structnew()">
                <cfquery dbtype="query" name="local.rs_subset">
                                App_No, Org_Name, Org_Unit, Org_Address1,
Org_Address2, Org_City, 
                                Org_State, Org_Zip, Org_State_Other,
                        From #arguments.recordset#
                <cfreturn local.rs_subset>

Can anyone shed any light on this?  It's the first time I am attempting to
use Query of Queries within a CFC.

Sandy Clark

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