I think Aldon wants to return everything before the second space, correct? 
So just two words with a space between them?

Maybe something like this - looping over the string and flagging occurences 
of a space, then taking the left characters when the second space is 
discovered.  Kinda bulky but it should work.

<cfset flag=0>
<cfloop from="1" to="Len(theString)" index="theChar">
    <cfset thischar=Mid(theString, theChar, 1>
    <cfif thischar is " ">
        <cfset flag = flag + 1>
        <cfif flag = 2>
            <cfset finalstring = Left(theString, theChar - 1)>

Didn't test it but something like that should work ok - finalstring being 
what you are looking for.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Aldon" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "CF-Talk" <cf-talk@houseoffusion.com>
Sent: Friday, September 23, 2005 11:22 AM
Subject: RE: String Search!!!!

> The string is dynamic so the value changes!
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Aldon Moore [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Friday, September 23, 2005 2:16 PM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: String Search!!!!
> How do I search a string for the first space " " between characters?
> "This should be so easy" converted to "This should"

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